Erectile Dysfunction refers to a problem with the way the penis and other sex organs respond to physical stimuli. Some men experience a dysfunction when they are younger and later on as they grow older. Other men have the problem in their youth too, but it never completely goes away on its own. Sometimes it only gets worse or they have a hard time getting an erection due to some other medical condition they have. Either way, if you have any of the signs of erectile dysfunction listed here, then you may have erectile dysfunctions.
One of the causes of erectile dysfunction is poor lifestyle choices. If you smoke cigarettes or you drink alcohol, your body will have difficulty regulating your blood flow. If your blood vessels are constricted, your erection will not be as strong. Poor diet choices can cause a decrease in blood circulation to your penile area. A poor diet may be one of the many contributing factors to having blood circulation problems. As a result of these lifestyle choices, you may not get a hard erection and thus you are unable to have intercourse.
There are also various medications that can cause erectile dysfunction. The most commonly prescribed medications are Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. These three medications all work by relaxing the blood vessels in the penis and thus improve sexual function. However, these three medications are also known to cause other issues such as impotence, headaches, anxiety and even memory loss. So if you are taking any of these medications, see your doctor first and considering discussing with a men’s clinic like
Another possible cause of your erectile dysfunction is a heart disease. Any serious medical condition can affect your sexual performance. If you have a history of cardiovascular disease in your family, you are more likely to develop erectile dysfunction. However, this does not mean that you must end up with this condition. If you make lifestyle changes and pay attention to your health, you can significantly lower the risk of having a heart disease and also lower the likelihood of premature ejaculation.
Stress and anxiety are another important factor. In men, stress can affect both your physical and mental health. This includes erectile dysfunction. As we know, stress affects your body’s chemical balances and can interfere with your hormones. So, if you are suffering from stress and anxiety, you should try to find ways to manage these factors and live a healthier life.
Last but not least, an over-abundance of prescription medications can lead to erectile dysfunction. If you are treating a chronic condition, your doctor may prescribe several different medications to treat various symptoms. Make sure that you keep your doctor informed about your current medications. In some cases, if the underlying condition is treated, the medications will stop treating the ED.
Many men suffer from erectile dysfunction at some time in their lives. It is estimated that as many as 20 million men in the United States alone have erectile dysfunction. Erectile Dysfunction can have a wide range of severity from barely noticeable to a situation where the man completely has no erections at all. Some of the most extreme Erectile Dysfunction cases even require medical intervention and treatment to get the situation under control. However there are things that you can do on your own to improve the quality of your erections and to make your partner feel more satisfied with the physical aspect of your relationship.
The most common type of Erectile Dysfunction treatment is often a combination of medications and psychotherapy. The medications often take care of the physical aspects like reducing inflammation or pain and increasing blood flow. Once these are taken care of you will then be able to work on your psychological factors that are causing your erectile dysfunction. If you have been suffering from anxiety over your problem than talking to your doctor about the various medications available can help.
For mild cases of erectile dysfunction there are a number of different prescription medicines that your doctor may recommend. These medications are commonly known as anti-depressants. While anti-depressants are commonly prescribed for low moods and Erectile Dysfunction they can also be used to treat the actual disorder. Some of these commonly prescribed medications for ED include Citalopram, Anafranil, Androconvulsant, Norpramin and Pamelor.
In some cases your physician may recommend the use of hormones as a means of treating your erectile dysfunction. One of these hormonal medications is called spironolactone. This is a hormone that is sometimes given in conjunction with an SSRI or Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor. This particular type of treatment works by affecting your brain’s production of testosterone and thus preventing further increases of your levels of the hormone in your pelvic area.
If you smoke or use recreational drugs or alcohol while you are trying to treat your erectile dysfunction then your doctor will likely warn you against it. These risks are associated with the severity of your medical conditions. If you do not smoke or use other risky drugs but you have a more severe medical condition such as diabetes then your doctor will almost certainly recommend that you stop your smoking and other risky habits. The reason being is because the increased risk of diabetes increases dramatically when you use tobacco and/or drugs and/or consume alcoholic beverages. So by stopping your smoking and other unhealthy habits you are actually lowering your risk factors for contracting diabetes further down the road.
Many men who suffer from erectile dysfunction and have diabetes will often combine their treatments by trying to lower their blood pressure and cholesterol levels as well as changing their diets. By lowering the levels of these hormones you will be able to significantly lower your chances of contracting diabetes. However if you already have one of these diseases then it will be impossible for you to make any significant dietary or lifestyle changes. However, by remaining active and maintaining a healthy diet you can greatly reduce your risk of developing diabetes. Of course if you do not have diabetes then simply following a healthy lifestyle will help keep your blood sugar levels under control so you will not be at risk of having any of the aforementioned conditions.