What is mental health?
Although there is no short definition, mental health is basically your attitude and approach to life. Psychological, environmental, genetic or physiological factors have a profound effect on overall mental development.
What is mental illness?
Mental illness damages your ability to carry out routine tasks, foster healthy relationships, or overcome anger or stress. This can be classified based on changes in extreme moods, irrational or destructive patterns, and behavioral problems.
How important is mental health?
Your mental health has a big impact on every aspect of your life.
o self image
Good mental health means respecting your achievements and accepting your shortcomings. Mental illness can cause inferiority complex, negative body image, and intense feelings about self-hatred, anger, disgust, and useless, which can mutate to extreme depression, psycho-social disorders, or eating disorders.
o Education
Students with social issues socially isolate themselves, and develop anxiety disorders and concentration problems. Good mental health ensures the experience of all-round education that improves social and intellectual skills that lead to better confidence and value.
o relationship
Most mental health contributes to the function of human relations. Mental illness can inhibit even basic interactions with family, friends and colleagues. Most people suffering from mental illness find it difficult to maintain relationships, have problems with commitment or intimacy, and often face sexual health problems.
o sleep.
The inability to handle stress or anxiety can cause insomnia. Even if you cry asleep, you can wake up a dozen times at night with thoughts about what is wrong the day before or how bad tomorrow will happen. You can develop severe sleep disorders that make you exhausted and less productive.
o Meal
People with mental disorders are more susceptible to pampering themselves in eating or emotional binges. Finding comfort in food is something we all do from time to time. But with mental illness, it becomes difficult to control yourself. Excessive meals can cause obesity, which puts you at risk of heart disease and diabetes, in addition to creating an unhealthy body image.
o Physical health
Your mental state directly affects your body. For example, stress can cause hypertension or gastric ulcer. Mentally healthy people are at a lower risk for many health complications.
So do a conscious effort to improve and maintain your mental health.